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While the Foundation administers certain aspects of the privately funded scholarships, it does not award them. To learn more about the scholarship award process, please contact the Shepherd Financial Aid Office at  [email protected] (Include student ID and name).

460 funds found

Tom E. Moses Memorial Lecture on the U.S. Constitution

The Tom E. Moses Memorial Lecture on the U.S. Constitution Fund is designated for the administration of an annual lecture series hosted by the Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies. The lecture, held each September in conjunction with Constitution Day, highlights major issues involving the Constitution and civil liberties. This endowed fund was created in memory of Tom Moses by his wife and daughters.

General Academic
Program Funds and Awards

Tony Del-Colle Endowed Memorial Scholarship

The Tony Del-Colle Endowed Memorial Scholarship is designated for non-traditional students who are members of the Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity. This endowment was established by Michael and Carol Del-Colle in memory of their son, Tony, who was a non-traditional business major at Shepherd. After Tony's untimely death in an automobile accident, his parents chose to honor his commitment to education by establishing a scholarship to assist fellow students who may not go directly from high school to college.

College of Business
Scholarship Awards

Travis M. Propst Faculty Excellence Fund for Economics

The Travis M. Propst Faculty Excellence Fund for Economics is designated for the recruitment, recognition, and retention of outstanding faculty in economics. This endowment was established in 2007 by Travis M. Propst '95, an employee of Merrill Lynch in Atlanta.

College of Business
Deferred Funded Awards

Travis M. Propst Scholarship

The Travis M. Propst Scholarship is designated for students majoring in economics. This deferred endowment was established by Travis Propst ’95, an Atlanta investment broker for Merrill Lynch, through a bequest.

College of Business
Deferred Funded Awards

Tri-State Civitan Scholarship

The Tri-State Civitan Scholarship is designated for students from West Virginia, Maryland, or Pennsylvania who are majoring in nursing, social work, or psychology. This endowment was created by William H. McLean with the continued support from the Tri-State Civitan Club.

Scholarship Awards

United Bank Scholarship

The United National Bank Scholarship is a general academic scholarship designated for graduates of a high school in Jefferson County, WV. This annually funded award was created by United Bank in Shepherdstown.

General Academic
Annually Funded Awards

Van Evera Scholarship

The Van Evera Scholarship is designated as a general academic award for students with above-average academic standing who have declared majors and display financial need. This endowment was created in 1993 by Jesse '64 and Carol '64 Van Evera in honor of their son William's graduation from Shepherd University. Carol's father, William "Pappy" Thacher, served as the Shepherd University Foundation's first president and was a beloved member of the Shepherd faculty for 38 years.

General Academic
Scholarship Awards

Vera Malton Scholarship

The Vera Malton Scholarship is designated for English and communications students. This endowment was established by Shepherd University's departments of communications and English to honor Dr. Vera Malton, who was chair of the English department at Shepherd University from the mid-1930's through the early 1970's. She later served as an emeritus professor of speech and English.

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Scholarship Awards

Vicki Johnson Family Scholarship

The Vicki Johnson Family Scholarship was established by Matthew Johnson ’22 to honor the memory of his grandmother, Vicki Johnson. The annually funded award will carry on Vicki’s legacy of compassion. It is designated in support of graduates of Spring Mills High School in Berkeley County.

Annually Funded Awards

Violet Wilt Stewart Memorial Scholarship

The Violet Wilt Stewart Memorial Scholarship is designated as a general academic award for residents of Hardy, Grant, or Pendleton Counties, WV, involved in the 4-H youth development organization. This endowment was created in 2011 by Reverend Carl Stewart '58 in memory of his beloved wife, Violet Wilt Stewart. The couple met as students at Shepherd and were both members of the Shepherd 4-H Club. The organizations remained special to them throughout their life together.

General Academic
Scholarship Awards
460 funds displayed.
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