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2024 WISH Membership Reception

Shepherd University Foundation EVP Sherri Janelle greets guests upon arrival

Dr. Sytil Murphy, one of the 2023 Shepherd grant recipients, displays some of the drones and probes purchased through the WISH Grant

WISH members Carol Kable (l), Lisa Kable (c), and Pattie Wilmoth (r)

WISH Members (l to r): Melody Stevens, Elisabeth Staro, Betsey Hinkle, and Beth Shanholtzer

WISH Grant Committee Member Annette Van Hilst (c) chats with other guests

WISH Member Christine Meyer

2024 “Courage to Inspire, Strength to Empower” recipient Lily Robbins poses with her parents

WISH Member Allison Freswick

WISH Member Jacky Stocking

WISH Member Anne Small chats with fellow member Dr. Mary J.C. Hendrix

(l to r): Lily Robbins, Katy Mong-Waldeck, Allison Freswick, and Bev Hughes

WISH Grant Committee Member Dr. Sylvia Shurbutt

Shepherd University Foundation Director of Donor Relations Meg Patterson gives introductions for the evening’s program

Sherri Janelle introduces Dr. Mary J.C. Hendrix

Dr. Hendrix greets guests before presenting the 2024 Courage to Inspire award

WISH Grant Committee Co-Chair Harriet Pearson introduces the 2023 grant recipients

2023 WISH Nonprofit recipient Girls on the Run Shenandoah Valley, represented by Executive Director Annoica Ingram

WISH Member Laurel Webster and husband James Hersick

2023 WISH Nonprofit grant recipient Jefferson County Community Ministries, represented by Executive Director Keith Lowry

2023 WISH Shepherd recipient Environmental and Physical Studies program, represented by Dr. Sytil Murphy

2023 WISH Shepherd recipient Social Work Program, represented by Dr. Craig Cline

WISH Advisory Member Peachy Staley gives a membership update

WISH Grant Member Gillian McPhee (r)

WISH Grant Committee Member Sheila Vertino (c)
