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Student Scholarships

Shepherd students are motivated and resourceful in financing their college educations. Student fees and tuition continue to rise each year, the challenge to finance a higher education degree grows steeper. Private gifts through the Shepherd University Foundation directly assist deserving students who compete for privately funded scholarship awards.

Shepherd graduates strengthen our regional community as teachers, nurses, scientists, social workers, accountants, artists, and more. They provide an educated workforce to attract new jobs and create new businesses and jobs for others. They volunteer their time and talents as coaches, scout leaders, choir directors, and other community leaders, utilizing their Shepherd education to make a difference in the lives of others. Thank you for considering a gift to support student scholarships.

Moler General Scholarship Endowment

The Moler General Scholarship is an endowed fund created by the Shepherd University Foundation for the purpose of funding need-based general academic scholarships. The fund was named in honor of one of the founders and longtime president of the Shepherd Foundation, Dr. James M. Moler. Donors who wish to build for the future of Shepherd University by making endowed gifts for scholarships may choose to give to this fund in any amount.

Scholarship Endowments or Annual Funds

Many donors choose to make gifts to one of our established named endowments or annually named funds. These scholarship funds have been created to support most of our academic majors and programs. We welcome contributions of any amount to our scholarship funds.

Donors may also create an endowment through a newly named award, either by a charitable gift now or through a bequest.

For assistance in making your contribution, please contact:

Meg Patterson

Director of Donor Relations

To learn more about specific scholarships available for award, please visit our database of named funds.

While the Foundation administers certain aspects of these privately funded scholarships, it does not award them. To learn more about the scholarship award process, please contact the Shepherd Financial Aid Office at  [email protected] (include student ID and name).
