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Advocate Tool Kit

As an advocate for Shepherd’s Day of Giving on March 6, 2024, you can encourage others to #GiveARam for Shepherd. By making a gift and sharing your Ram Fam story social media circles, your advocacy ensures the 2024 Day of Giving will be a success!


What’s a “Day of Giving”?

A one-day, 24- hour fundraising opportunity designed to bring people together to give toward a cause close to their hearts. Gifts- both large and small- are driven by social media and email communications. These gifts will go toward areas of greatest need, scholarships, or various University schools, colleges, departments, and organizations. It will be Shepherd’s fifth Day of Giving and is a common practice amongst our peer institutions as well. This year’s Day of Giving will take place on Wednesday, March 6, 2024; it will begin at 12:01 AM and end at 11:59 PM. Though all are encouraged to participate, Shepherd would like to increase the number of first-time donors and young alumni on this day.

Social Media Graphics


Great advocates lead by example and leverage their gift to encourage others to give! You even have the opportunity to add a match or a challenge.

Create a Personal Plea

Tell the Shepherd community why you are part of Day of Giving. Record a short (under one minute) selfie video on a cell phone. Uploading your video is simple—select the ‘Advocates’ tab in your GiveCampus account and follow the instructions provided. After our team reviews and approves your submission, a button to watch the video will appear next to your name in the Advocates tab.

Share the Campaign Link on Your Own Social Media

With built-in buttons located in the ‘Advocates’ tab in your GiveCampus account, it is easy to spread the word. These built-in buttons generate links that are unique to you and allow the number of clicks, gifts, and dollars generated by your outreach to be tracked. One thing to remember: share early and share often!

Sharing Shepherd’s story on social media

When sharing on social media, make sure to use these hashtags:



Remember to make your posts public (not friends only) so that we can share them! If you have a Facebook account, save this image and use it on March 6 as your banner:

And follow our social media pages so you can like and share our posts.

Social media post examples

You can use variations of these posts to spread the word about Shepherd’s Day of Giving. Tag friends and challenge them to join you in giving and sharing their RamFam story!

February 5-March 1 (Lead Up to Day of Giving)

Social Media Text Suggestion 1

Your support on March 6 for 2024 Shepherd Day of Giving will help make a huge difference in the lives our students and faculty #ShepGives

Social Media Text Suggestion 2

Change a life on March 6 during the 2024 #ShepGives by supporting (insert academic program or area).

Social Media Text Suggestion 3#GiveaRam about Shepherd and give back! Your support on March 6 for #ShepGives will help propel our University above and beyond!

March 4-5 (Really start to promote Day of Giving!)

Use social media graphics of your choice to go along with suggested text below. You can always tweak the text to be more specific toward your unit or program.

Social Media Text Suggestion 1

#ShepGives is Wednesday! With your donations, you’ll have the opportunity to help us grow critical scholarship funds and more:

Social Media Text Suggestion 2

We’ve been talking about it for a month, but #ShepGives is nearly here! This is what you need to know for Wednesday:

Social Media Text Suggestion 3

Interested in supporting (insert organization/department)? Wednesday is a perfect opportunity to make an impact during #ShepGives! Learn how you can participate and make a huge difference:

Social Media Text Suggestion 4

Your gift Wednesday during #ShepGives will help Shepherd students for years to come, building a brighter future for us all:

March 6- THE BIG DAY
Day of Giving begins at midnight. The University’s main and Shepherd University Foundation’s social media accounts will be leading the conversation (share!). A recap/thank you video will go out on social media from the Shepherd University Foundation accounts on Thursday, March 7.
Use social media graphics of your choice to go along with suggested text below. You can always tweak the text to be more specific toward your unit or program.

Social Media Text Suggestion 1

Today is the day! Your #ShepGives gifts will help build a brighter future for Shepherd University. Donations of $10 or more will help make us better for the next generation of Rams. Make your gift here:

Social Media Text Suggestion 2

Today is #ShepGives! Change a life by making a gift. Donate here:

Social Media Text Suggestion 3

Never made a scholarship gift to Shepherd before? Today, during #ShepGives, you have the perfect opportunity to make a difference! Donate here:

Social Media Text Suggestion 4

Find a challenge to participate in today, making even more of an impact with your gift during #ShepGives!:
