The Shepherd Fund provides vital financial support for virtually every aspect of the Shepherd University experience. Contributions provide sustaining support for academic, scholarship, cultural, and athletic programs; faculty and staff development; campus renewal and beautification; and other department programs and initiatives.

Why Give?
Shepherd University relies on its alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff to ensure that today’s students continue to receive a high quality education, armed with the skills needed to complete in the real world.
Giving to Shepherd has a tremendous and immediate impact on the students and faculty of the University by providing opportunities for growth and resources that enhance our current academic and extracurricular programs.
Supporting Shepherd University at any level improves students’ educational experience and increases the amount of financial aid and scholarships they receive. With your financial support, and that of many others, together we can strengthen and enhance the many wonderful programs available to current students. For assistance in donating to the Shepherd Fund, please contact: