Scholar Spotlight with Jennifer Willett
As Shepherd University students begin distance learning amid the ongoing spread of Covid-19, we want them to know that they are still with us in heart and mind. And so we’re happy to resume our weekly Scholar Spotlight post to honor our Foundation scholars, as well as offer our followers a well-meaning distraction from the constant deluge of pandemic news.

This week our spotlight shines on Jennifer Willett, a senior environmental studies major from Boonsboro, MD. Jennifer is the recipient of multiple Foundation scholarships: the John Thomas Reynolds Scholarship and Jefferson Security Bank Scholarship, both general education awards, and the Ronald Reeder Memorial Scholarship designated in support of environmental studies majors.
“These scholarships have been instrumental in supporting my educational goals,” says Jennifer. “As someone who hopes to serve society as an environmental steward and educator with the foundation of my own personal education, I am encouraged by the generosity of my community. And I hope and intend to ‘pay it forward’ to future generations.”