Explore the Foundation’s new website
The Shepherd University Foundation is excited to share with you our newly redesigned website! Designed by graphic designer Adam Leviton of Frederick, MD, the new site features a more functional and responsive design and interface, as well as an updated content management system. While it was designed primarily with donors and prospective donors in mind, the site also includes several tools and resources for students, faculty, alumni, and friends of Shepherd University.

We hope you’ll enjoy exploring the new site on your own. As you do, we welcome your feedback and insight into what’s working and what might benefit from improvement. In the meantime, we’ve included a brief FAQ section below to address some immediate questions and concerns you may have.
So, what’s new?
The new site features significantly streamlined navigation and cutting edge technology, including faster processing time, better security, and an optimized user interface for all screen sizes.
In what browser is the site best viewed?
We know our web-savvy visitors have a variety of browser and interface options from which to choose. With that in mind, we’ve worked to make our new site beautiful and functional across ALL browsers, platforms, and devices.
What resources are available to donors and prospective donors?
In addition to our previous content detailing the many ways you may choose to make a gift through the Shepherd University Foundation, we’ve included a new section called Current Giving Priorities that highlights Shepherd’s newest and most pressing fundraising initiatives. Our dynamic homepage design also features an overview of the various affinity groups and societies sponsored by the Foundation. And for maximum efficiency in online giving, simply click on the “Donate Now” button located in both the homepage header and sidebar navigation menu and it will take you to our secure online giving form.
What resources are available to students and faculty?
Students and faculty may find it useful to search the site’s named funds database to learn more about privately funded scholarship, program, and faculty excellence awards available through the Foundation. The link may be found in our footer navigation menu.
What resources are available to alumni and friends?
On our homepage, you’ll find the latest Foundation news, photos, and upcoming events. Additionally, we’ve provided quick links to the Alumni Affairs and Shepherd University websites, which may be found in our in our footer navigation menu.
Why does the Planned Giving section look different?
We’re currently in the process of redesigning the Planned Giving area of our website, which is managed externally from our main site. We anticipate launching the new Planned Giving site no later than the beginning of the Fall 2018 semester in order to offer you a wider variety of estate planning resources in addition to improved technology and optimization. We hope you will pardon the inconvenience during this final phase of our redesign process.
What are others saying about the new site?
We’re happy to report that response to the new website has been overwhelmingly positive! Here’s what people are saying:
“I found the new design to be fast and easy to operate, with items of interest descriptive and accessible.”
~ Dave Rickard ’56, Shepherd University Foundation Board of Directors
“It’s fabulous! Looks great and is very user-friendly.”
~ Mary “Peachy” Staley ’70
“Love how you designed the website! It looks terrific and it’s easy to navigate.”
~ Liz Oates, Shepherd University Foundation Board of Directors
“The new Foundation website is very nice!”
~ Dan Carpenter ’98
“Love the new site! I may have spent a little too long looking at all the Gallery pictures. Looks like a LOT of fun times!”
~ Phillip Perrotte ’12