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Scarborough Society Art and Lecture Series: Astrobiology’s Three Big Questions

Date October 18, 2022
Start Time 7:00 pm
End Time 9:00 pm
Location Scarborough Library Reading Room
Scarborough Library
209 N. King Street
Shepherdstown, WV 25443

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Join William Kramer, Ph.D., a retired wildlife biologist and administrator with a doctorate in political science, on a journey through astrobiology’s three big questions:

1. How did life begin and evolve?
2. Is there life beyond Earth and how can we detect it?
3. What is our future in the universe?

While this presentation will not answer any of these questions, it will explore the science and philosophy that drives them and the amazing discoveries being made in the United States and worldwide.

William conducts academic research, teaches at the International Space University in Strasbourg, France, advises the Georgetown University Space Initiative, and is on the Scientific Council of the Alternative Planetary Futures Institute.

The event, sponsored by the Shepherd University Foundation and the Scarborough Society, is free and open to the public. A reception will follow.
